The early years of formal education establish the foundation for much of students’ social, physical, cognitive and emotional development. During this crucial time, not only are students learning early literacy and math skills, they are also learning how to work with others and establishing their disposition toward school. That’s why we work so hard to create relevant, engaging, and nurturing learning experiences for our youngest students. We keep class sizes small - average 22 students -because research shows that small classes have academic and social benefits. Here is a brief description of how we help children develop social-emotional skills and how we teach reading, writing, math, science, social studies, art and physical education in Level 1.
Reading to Learn
As part of our integrated approach to learning, students spend time working on projects related to the unit of study, such as gardens or forest. Students in Level 1 begin to learn how to access non-fiction texts, laying a foundation for more independent research in later grades. Level 1 students are also exposed to 'reading to learn' through teacher read-alouds during which teachers read to students and help them learn how to how to decode text and use reading strategies to understand what the text is saying.