Level 3: Grades 5 and 6 "The Falcons"Students in the upper elementary years are in a transitional phase of development. They are defining themselves as individuals and realizing the rewards and responsibilities of being members of a group. Their language abilities expand dramatically and their physical transition to adolescence begins. Our Level 3 program supports the healthy development of these students by providing active learning opportunities and creating inclusive classrooms.
The Level 3 math program takes two main forms: grade-level math and classroom math. Four days a week, students spend an hour studying math in grade-level groups. Classroom math occurs within the mixed-age classroom and is typically integrated into thematic studies.
Both 5th- and 6th-grade math incorporate other math-teaching techniques. Grade-level math incorporates strategies that feature a combination of whole group, small group and independent activities. Lessons incorporate increasingly complex visual models - seeing, touching, working with manipulatives, sketching ideas - to create pictures in the mind's eye that help learners invent, understand and remember mathematical ideas. By encouraging students to explore, test and justify their reasoning, our math curriculum facilitates the development of mathematical thinking. |
We take a comprehensive view of physical activity (PA) at our school, planning our schedule and program with the goal of promoting the habits of regular physical activity in all students. Physical education classes, outdoor recess and Out & Abouts, which often include walking or activity, are all part of our physical activity program.